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Member since: Oct, 2017

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Has the forest fire smoke prompted you to avoid any of your normal outdoor activities?

Poll |

davenet46 commented

Staying inside as much as I can. I have weakened lungs due to two bad bouts of Pneumonia. I also have bad allergies which doesn't help either.

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How would you rate the province in managing the second wave of the pandemic?

Poll |

davenet46 replied

Have you noticed the reduction though in the # of cases of the seasonal flu?? What could be causing this? Social distancing, mask wearing, vaccines, staying at home more, lack of large gatherings??? Food for thought.

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LIVE: Ontario releases framework for re-opening province, but no timeline given

LIVE: Ontario releases framework for re-opening province, but no timeline given

Local News |

davenet46 commented

I think any logically thinking adult can determine what kinds of places they are talking about here. Even when numbers of cases slow to meet that criteria, large gatherings of people aren't going to be allowed until after a vaccine is found and widely implemented. That's only common sense people. Otherwise, we'll find ourselves back at square one, especially if a second wave hits in the fall as predicted. Huge venues like sporting events, concerts with large numbers of spectators are done until a vaccine is found. Parks, restaurants, movie theaters with smaller controlled numbers of people are probably going to be the maximum permitted until the vaccine. Businesses where large numbers of workers are employed such as in the manufacturing sector are going to have numerical restrictions as well. This is the new world, only until after a vaccine is implemented, will we get back to absolute normal.

18 5 0

Province suspends time-of-use electricity rates

Province suspends time-of-use electricity rates

Local News |

davenet46 replied

You're right. I know for myself my equal billing amount was just re-adjusted at the beginning of March. I've been paying $179/month since it was re-evaluated in August. I'll find out what my new rate will be in the next couple of weeks that will carry me through until September. Unfortunately, I won't see any benefit of a 45 day period like this when you take into account that it will be averaged out over the next 5 month period until my next re-evaluation.

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PUC Services implements pandemic response plan

PUC Services implements pandemic response plan

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Sault Ste. Marie News |

davenet46 commented

How about doing everyone an even bigger favor. Since people will be at home more during this crisis and using more electricity and power, how about lowering consumption rates during this time period??? That would be the best thing they could do to help people.

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Thick smoke seen over Algoma Steel (video, 4 photos)

Thick smoke seen over Algoma Steel (video, 4 photos)

Local News |

davenet46 replied

lauryn555 Some people have to live where they are sometimes because of a lack of affordable housing and shortage of available apartments. Your comment & the 2 beneath it shows the mentality of people in this city these days. DisplayName read his comment closely they indicated they already washed it.

9 3

davenet46 replied

CiaoCiao Whether it's carbon related or not really isn't the point. To anyone that lives in this part of town (which I do) with lung issues (I've had major Pneumonia twice in my life) this is extremely unhealthy.

10 2

Speed limits to be slashed on Black Road

Speed limits to be slashed on Black Road

Local News |

davenet46 commented

FANTASTIC!!! So, people will only be going 80 km/h now instead of 90 km/h on that stretch. That's PROGRESS!!!

0 0 0

LifeLabs says hackers have stolen personal information of as many as 15 million Canadians

LifeLabs says hackers have stolen personal information of as many as 15 million Canadians

Local News |

davenet46 commented

This is quite upsetting for anyone that uses their services. I get my blood tested twice a year through them (managing HIV). The fact that this information is out there is more than unnerving. Unfortunately, this is the company I'm told to use to have my information sent to a doctor in Sudbury. How does one find out if their information was leaked??? I'd say some sort of compensation is more than appropriate in this situation.

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How should vaping be addressed?

Poll |

davenet46 commented

Face it everyone, inhaling ANYTHING into your lungs is unhealthy. So are lots of food items, etc. There are 1000's of things that are unhealthy for us, yet, we do them anyways. Vaping is no different. We are sentient human beings we know the difference between things that or good for us or bad for us. If someone wants to potentially or intentionally harm their body that's up to them. However, you should know what's going into your bodies in the first place before you start. The more you know.

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