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Member since: Apr, 2018

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How would you rate the province in managing the second wave of the pandemic?

Poll |

BullStar replied

Airlines are loosing money hand over fist right now, if they stop allowing air travel the airlines will die and many will be out of work. Should they allow the industry to fail or should we bail them out with tax money or should they keep operating with reduced service and mitigation measures? Those are the options.

1 3

Proposed off-leash dog parks narrowed to four locations

Proposed off-leash dog parks narrowed to four locations

Local News |

BullStar commented

Top Sail is and always will be a dog park, might as well make it official and keep it maintained

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Ontario COVID-19 daily cases nearly double in 24 hours with 351 more cases reported

Ontario COVID-19 daily cases nearly double in 24 hours with 351 more cases reported

Local News |

BullStar replied

In addition, these are people who where exposed up to 2 weeks ago and tested a 2-3 days ago, it will be a while till we see data that represents the infections that actually happened today. Most numbers right now are just incomplete raw data, really no information to be had. For example in this article it gives percentages for how people contracted the virus with 47% of the data missing, it also states 10% hospitalized but many of those people were just diagnosed in the last couple days and are not at the hospital yet.

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Councillors to debate how you carry your groceries

Councillors to debate how you carry your groceries

Local News |

BullStar replied

Cellulose bags but they are currently expensive. We need to find an alternative be that jute, hemp, cellulose or whatever and scale it up.

1 0

BullStar replied

There are dog poop bags made out of cellulose, it’s a good alternative to the plastic ones and it’s not that expensive. We just need an alternative scaled up. Also, don’t leave your poop bags laying around, it’s gross.

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LETTER: Instead of blue lights, why not try compassion?

LETTER: Instead of blue lights, why not try compassion?

Letters to the Editor |

BullStar replied

Which is true except, smokes and booze are taxed to help with the costs. How about we make it legal for addicts already addicted (Not new users) to get their drugs, tax it and use that to help with education to stop new addictions. Get the addicts out of the hustle, the drugs even with a small markup would still be way cheaper than street prices. If the addicts didn’t have to hustle and steal all the time, maybe they would have time to work and be at home and have time to figure out how to stop. Those who continue to steal or sell their supply get major penalties. This addresses those who need and want help and those too far gone.

1 2

ADSB prepares for secondary, elementary school closures tomorrow as OSSTF bargaining continues

ADSB prepares for secondary, elementary school closures tomorrow as OSSTF bargaining continues

Local News |

BullStar replied

Should have listened to your teachers a little more...

14 17

Ontario elementary school teachers vote in favour of strike action (update)

Ontario elementary school teachers vote in favour of strike action (update)

Local News |

BullStar replied

You don't get it.

5 2

BullStar replied

haha another parent worried about daycare costs at the expense of the teachers.

8 6

BullStar replied

This is the way negotiation is done, they are always going to vote yes for a vote like this, otherwise the bargaining team would not have any leverage. Have you never seen a union bargain before, deadline bargaining is the norm.

7 1


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