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Member since: Jul, 2018

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‘From industry to leisure’: New Thessalon mural depicts town’s stunning roots

‘From industry to leisure’: New Thessalon mural depicts town’s stunning roots

Local News |

JBF commented

Very nice. Great job.

1 0 0

Hwy. 17 north of Sault set for major fix over next two summers

Hwy. 17 north of Sault set for major fix over next two summers

Local News |

JBF replied

Quebec has had beer in corner stores since the early 70s. It's been a way to long time coming.

1 0

JBF replied

I guess you haven't driven the new potion from Echo Bay to Trunk Road. You should try it although the Garden River route is more scenic.

0 2

Northern Ontario bat suspected cause of rare human rabies case

Northern Ontario bat suspected cause of rare human rabies case

Local News |

JBF replied

Where in the story did it say someone was 'playing' with a bat?

1 1

Why is the man who bought Steven Spielberg’s yacht sniffing around our steel mill?

Why is the man who bought Steven Spielberg’s yacht sniffing around our steel mill?

Local News |

JBF replied

So buy Algoma Steel and run it how you feel would work best.

0 2

City considers roundabout at Second Line and Goulais Avenue

City considers roundabout at Second Line and Goulais Avenue

Local News |

JBF replied

If you can't navigate a roundabout you should not be driving.

9 6

Looking for nicotine pouches? Only pharmacies sell them now

Looking for nicotine pouches? Only pharmacies sell them now

Local News |

JBF replied

They didn't need an ID to be purchased. They still don't.

1 1

Justin Trudeau gets an earful at third and final Sault photo op

Justin Trudeau gets an earful at third and final Sault photo op

Local News |

JBF replied

He is by far the worst PM in our country's history. #1 by a country mile.

18 10

POLL: Readers more or less evenly split on defunding CBC

POLL: Readers more or less evenly split on defunding CBC

Local News |

JBF replied

What a sad ad hominem response.
Real corporations answer to shareholders. It's up to them to hold them accountable as to how profits are used.
BTW ... the CBC has never made a profit.

7 5

JBF replied

Indeed. It doesn't make money yet they had our bonuses. Basically they're wasting taxpayer money.

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