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In Loving Memory of Out Dear Grandmother Doris Printess

Grandma, it has been 1 year since you were taken from us. Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you. You were the kind of Grandma anyone would want. You were always baking and cooking, and you always had time for your children and grandchildren no matter what you were doing.

I know you are in a far better place, a place where you can remember your love for everyone. We lost a part of you before you left, the part where the horrible disease robbed you of all your loving memories. I believe that they were still there just hidden and occasionally we could see in your eyes you remembered how much love that surrounded you.

I know a year ago was not the end. You are now free, and at peace. You are no longer bound by the door that kept your memories locked up. You are free to laugh, move, dance, and remember in ways that you haven’t been able to. You are now reunited with Grandpa and your family that has passed before you.

Time has not lessened the hurt we feel or the empty space that your death has left but knowing that you are free helps us through the toughest days.

We love you Grandma and are thankful for all the years we were able to spend with you.

Loving you forever, until we meet again.

Lots of love,
Pat, Karen, Lorrie & Tammy