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Sunfire Ally

Member since: Jul, 2014

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GROEN, Hans Johannes 'Dutchy'

GROEN, Hans Johannes 'Dutchy'

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Sunfire Ally commented

My deepest condolences to the Groen family. I taught with Dutchy for many years at AHHS and I can tell you never a day went by that Dutchy didn't make us laugh. His story telling in the morning over coffee or at lunch time were always appreciated. He gave 100% to the students he taught and they knew it. Rest easy my dear friend. I will have a nice glass of wine and think of you. Hugs and cheers! Sharon indre and

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LEDYIT, Robert C

LEDYIT, Robert C

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Sunfire Ally commented

My deepest condolences. I taught Bobby and he was one the most gentle, kindest, and sensitive young man I have ever taught. I remember him well. In fact, when I was a teenager and worked at Johnson's Market on Great Northern Road I remember him coming in with his Mom and brother to buy produce..funny how events like that stick in your head. RIP dear Bobby. Sharon Indrevold

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Trades work is a family affair for this Sault woman

Trades work is a family affair for this Sault woman

Local News |

Sunfire Ally commented

Do people always have to find the negative in a good news story whether it is a "career" or "red seal" position? The focus of the article was to encourage females into these types of positions and how successful and happy people can be in their jobs. Kudos for sharing the story and "arm chair quarterbacks", take a coffee break..

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DAUPHIN, Deborah Ann (nee Cox)

DAUPHIN, Deborah Ann (nee Cox)

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Sunfire Ally commented

ANNE, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your dear daughter. You have had quite the year with the loss of Larry and now your daughter. Stay strong..hugs
Sharon Indrevold

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Sault’s population at highest level since 1996 after big three-year spike

Sault’s population at highest level since 1996 after big three-year spike

Local News |

Sunfire Ally commented

Absolutely love living in the Sault..definitely a gem of the north regardless of it's social/economic issues that are really not localized to the Sault..everywhere has those issues, however, the largest and most critical concern is the lack of primary care providers and doctors to serve these new Saulites or those of us who have lived here "forever"..seriously, health care should be a factor that everyone seriously consider when moving to our community. Everyone deserves to have access to health care and doctors..something needs to happen to address this critical shortage or wait times at Emerg will not be hours, but days! Wait times are already very the Sault, but we need access to health care ..

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MARSHALL, Robbie Patrick "Rob"

MARSHALL, Robbie Patrick "Rob"

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Sunfire Ally commented

My deepest condolences to the Marshall family. I have known Rob for many years and know he always gave 100% to everything he did. He will be truly missed by his colleagues and friends throughout the Algoma District. RIP dear Rob, Sharon Indrevold and District 2 OSSTF Members.

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HORTON, Joseph

HORTON, Joseph

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Sunfire Ally commented

RIP dear Joey, I remember you from your days in high school when I taught you English. You were always a gentle giant, so respectful and sensitive. Over the years, I often ran into Joey at Tom Hortons and appreciated our quick exchanges. Deepest condolences to your family.
Sharon Indrevold

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Non-tech teachers may be teaching new mandatory tech ed classes

Non-tech teachers may be teaching new mandatory tech ed classes

Local News |

Sunfire Ally commented

This is absolutely ludicrous! If the government is truly invested in encouraging students into the trades/technology invest in the best, certified teachers with technological certification to teach these students. If you want to "hook" kids into the trades, you need strong, educated, knowledgeable teachers to entice students especially in Grades 9 and 10, not unskilled teachers trying to fumble through these courses. Give your head a shake! Do you want an unqualified person wiring your house, installing your plumbing or installing your furnace? Enough stupidity! Do the right thing g..bulk up your technical departments with qualified/certified technical teachers...not unqualified, academic teachers who need a full one person stated early..put an English teacher with no french qualifications into grade 9 French class! Now that's quality education! Really!

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'Sense of belonging': Helping Hands welcomes new store manager

'Sense of belonging': Helping Hands welcomes new store manager

Local News |

Sunfire Ally commented

Congratulations. Be proud of yourself. What a wonderful positive, encouraging success story.

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CUNDARI, Luigi 'Lui'

CUNDARI, Luigi 'Lui'

Obituaries |

Sunfire Ally commented

Barb, Jen, Trevor and families. I am so sorry to hear of Lui's passing. I always loved reading his Facebook posts over the years. Hopefully, your special memories will bring you comfort in the difficult days ahead. Deepest condolences. Hugs
Sharon Indrevold

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